Monday, February 08, 2010

Crippled By Compassion

Crippled by Compassion: Public Education’s Model for a Whiny, Underachieving America

Tired of witnessing abject failure and scores of wasted human potential in the classroom? Our country is afraid to examine the unvarnished truths as to why our kids are failing; why we’re failing as a nation.

About the Author: Robert Lutz is a mathematician, P.E. coach, grammar guru, and to a lesser extent, a scientist and historian…in other words, a substitute teacher. He has spent nearly a decade toiling in the trenches of an abysmal school district. An unproduced screenwriter, he lives in Hollywood, where he supplements his income shaking martinis for the highly affluent. He holds a B.A. in economics from U.C. Berkeley and is intent on reforming every middle school in America, whether by bus tour or starting his own campus to serve as a model for the rest of the country. With his forthcoming Web site,, Lutz is set to embark on an “Astroturf” crusade to unseat hundreds of unfit Congresspersons.

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